(Myself to the right and Mckendry to the left)


Beginning February of 2016, in Chicago, PLATINUM REXZ simply began as a concept to provide unique candles so that family, friends, and interested customers could enjoy products that were meant to pop, flare, and brighten homes in ways that stood out from the ordinary. Through online videos and my engineering background, myself and a small team built our first candle with a special production process. PLATINUM REXZ, which was originally T-REXZ at the time, got its initial start as a candle business through Amazon shipping.

In the Fall of 2016, I attended an entrepreneur society meeting at Kettering University where I entered my first online business partnership with McKendry. There we watched students, just like ourselves, cultivate their engineering skills to build thriving companies and products that improved all aspects of daily living.

Following numerous entrepreneurial feedback talks McKendry and I came to the conclusion that we wanted to build a company which did not only produce unique candles but provided dynamic apparel, was involved with the community through active social engagement, and contained a broad view in what could be considered our market niche.

We wanted to build a company that not only brought diversity and change to our future supporters and employees but also to our community around us.

From Business to Community Involvement

Amelioration - “the act of making something better; improvement: progress brings with it the amelioration of the human condition"


Having moved the company to Flint, MI it was not difficult to get involved with the community especially with the water crisis going on. Through day to day activities of establishing our brand, we met with students, faculty members, residents, club/lounge owners, and greek affiliates to discover how our company could get involved with the community around us.

Our team and fellow supporters wanted to establish events that not only gave back to the community but would also help change the public perception of Flint as a whole.

Through our company’s synergy with the community and its residents, we have begun our mission of cultural revival to bring events such as artist competitions, greek stroll offs, and urban lifestyle videos where portions of the proceeds go back into the city for the amelioration of the Flint community.

Building a TEAM

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” - Isaac Newton

Now that the company was established with a distinct mission and a clear vision for the future we have begun to attract diverse talent to further assist and add unto the progress of PLATINUM REXZ.


McKendry Evans

"Integrity and Innovation are the building blocks that have allowed us to translate our vision into reality."

Setting goals for myself and working towards them is what keeps me on my toes. I enjoy taking on new obstacles and envy any opportunity that allows me to better the present and future of those around me. Nothing excites me more than impromptu conversations that further immerse myself into the cultural diversifications of others. For true leadership lies in guiding others towards success.


 Jasmin Delva

My name is Jasmin Delva. I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am studying industrial engineering at Kettering University. A little bit about myself is that I love to explore creative ideas. It is a passion of mine to find within the self-ways to express how I am feeling, what I find interesting, or a new concept. Within everyone is a little creativity and it's beautiful to see how we can all express it. For some people it's art, for some it's fashion. My thing just happens to be innovation. I like finding new ways to make things better.  It's what makes me happy, it's what fits my personality and it makes me, me :)


Jalen Griffin

My goals for the community are clean sustained living which is why I have chosen to study in the field of mechanical engineering with a focus on alternative energy. I believe that part of sustained living means giving back as much if not more than you have received which is why I have partnered with like-minded individuals in order to spread this message and help as many communities as possible. The atmosphere with Platinum REXZ is something like a family which reflects my ideas in the change I want to see in the world which is why I feel comfortable pouring my efforts into the vision that is PR.











 As we have recently won our first innovation seed grant from General Motors Institute, we are looking to expand our social outreach. The goal being to generate unique methods of having our followers, supporters, and customers shape the future of PLATINUM REXZ. Being the first self-proclaimed GENERATION Z company, we strongly believe that our future actions and vision will create a respectable social movement for all to take part in.  





As a Generation Z company, we are looking to interact with our supporters in ways that have never been thought of before. This is the reason we have shared our story of why we are an established company, instead of simply telling you what products we have to offer. Join the movement by being part of our why. Please like, follow, and share our story on social media so that you can be a part of the PLATINUM REXZ future. 








Mission - Diversity is what built us, Inspiration is what fuels us, but our Community is what drives us. We are a company that looks to become a tool of the community by being formless and shapeless in all our endeavors.


 Vision - To provide global culture that stems from diversity and honorable achievement.